About Burris
About Burris
Our Faculty and Staff
Robert Marra
Superintendent of University Schools and Executive Director of the Office of Charter Schools
Abigail E. Comber
Principal and Chairperson
Eli Jones
Director of Academic Innovation and Community Engagement
Stefanie Onieal
Assisstant Principal (Elementary)
Ben Magga
Assistant Principal (MS/HS)
Alison Case
Director of Special Services
Mack Rathbun
Athletic Director
Kelley Lacey
Athletic Trainer
Office Staff
Brandi Hankins
Office Supervisor
Angie Campbell
Financial Coordinator
Beth Nichols
Financial Assistant
Amanda Moring
Megan McMullen
Graduation Pathways/Student Data Specialist
Mackenzie Bell
Attendance Secretary
Brad Clark
School Resource Officer
Karen Korn
Michael Abernathy
Instructor of Sciences
Jaami Bailey
Instructor of Elementary Education (First Grade)
Nathan Bailey
Instructor of Social Studies
Kara Baugues
Instructor of English
Jeremy Brown
Kaitlin Broz
Instructor of Business
Shon Byrum
Instructor of Social Studies
Brad Canada
Instructor of Social Studies
LeighAnne Canada
Instructor of Elementary Education (First Grade)
Maria Caraza-Tricker
Instructor of Foreign Languages (Spanish)
Becky Carr
Instructor of Mathematics
Brian Carr
Instructor of Physical Education
Harlee Cox
Secondary Teacher
Melissa Dotson
Instructor of Elementary Education (Kindergarten)
Kay Furnish
Instructor of Elementary Education (Kindergarten)
Sarah Gaither
Title 1 Instructor
Matthew Garringer
Instructor of Mathematics
Jenny Gibson
Instructional of Special Education
Tyler Groff
Instructor of English
David Harman
Instructor of Physical Education and Health
Michelle Harris
Instructor of Elementary Education (Second Grade)
Lisa Haughn
Instructor of Elementary Education (Fourth Grade)
Jordan Hicks
Instructor of Mathematics
Laura-Lea Hughes
Librarian/Media Specialist and Instructor of Technology
Scott H. Jackson
Director of Choral Activities and K-5 General Music
Matthew Jones
Library Coordinator
Rob Jones
Secondary Teacher
Becky Juday
Instructor of Elementary Education (Fifth Grade)
Tara Karnes
Instructor of Elementary Education (Third Grade)
Erin Kinsella
Instructor of Elementary (Second Grade)
Lainey Marshall
Instructor of Mathematics
Michael E. McClure
Instructor of Elementary Education (Fourth Grade)
Amy Miller
Instructor of Secondary Science
Megan Miller
Speech-Language Pathologist
Evelyn Mocherman
Instructor of Secondary Mathematics
Liz Norris
Instructor of Elementary Education (Second Grade)
Elisabeth Ohly-Davis
Instructor of Music (Orchestra)
Alivia Pello
Instructor of Music
Danielle R. Phelps
Instructor of Visual Arts (K-8)
Courtney Rathbun
School Counselor/High Ability Coordinator
Corby Roberson
Instructor of English Language Arts
Kelly Sloan
Instructor of Elementary Education (Third Grade)
Ra'Chelle Spearman
Katherine Stegman-Frey
Instructor of Foreign Languages (Spanish)
Carmen Lili Stokes
Instructor of Fine Arts (Drawing and Sculpting)
Mikayla Trenhaile
Instructor of Music
Blake Turner
Instructor of Physical Education and Health
Andrew Waldron
Theatre (BSU Professor)
Kyle Walton
Instructor of Sciences
Sam Walton
Instructor of Sciences
Jenny Wellman
Instructor of Mathematics
Mike Will
Stephanie Wills
Secondary Teacher
Morgan Belcher
Instructional Assistant
Erica Boggs
Instructional Assistant
Cassie Bolander
Title 1 Instructional Assistant (Primary)
Sarah Fraser-Jones
Instructional Assistant
Jacey Guy
Instructional Assistant
Mary Hammond
Instructional Assistant
Jessica Kelshaw
Instructional Assistant
Brittney Mayer
Title 1 Instructional Assistant (Primary)
Kathy McCauliff
Instructional Assistant
Micah Mosse
Instructional Assistant
Jenna Neal
Instructional Assistant
Roger Bailey
Crossing Guard
Kenton Wood
Crossing Guard
Matt Zacek
Food Service Supervisor
Zoide Awoke
Food Service Worker
Dee Moyer
Food Service Worker
Leigh Barnhart