We want to begin by saying “Thank you!” to all of our parents, students, and staff that have helped us in implementing the new building security protocols that we rolled out at the beginning of the school year. We have had many comments of appreciation and understanding for the decisions that were made with safety in mind. We know that in this transition there have been some inconveniences that have accompanied the benefits, and we are very appreciative of efforts that have been made to work together toward a new normal.
One area that has been a big change for our secondary students has been the wearing of their BSU ID card on a Burris-issued lanyard. We have had some mobility in the office staff, and we have learned from how the initial implementation of the policy has gone. As we begin the second semester, we will be resetting the counts of missing lanyards for all students and stepping up our monitoring of the lanyard system. We also want to clearly provide the procedures we will be following for all students in grades 6-12.
- For students who forget their lanyard/ID on a given school day, they will still need to go directly to the office where they will be issued a temporary lanyard and ID for the day. Students must return these loaners at the end of that same school day. Upon the 5th instance of a forgotten lanyard/ID, one lunch detention will be assigned for each subsequent occurrence.
- For students who are choosing not to wear the lanyard throughout the day, our school resource officer, Officer Clark, will be monitoring reports of these instances and following up with repeat offenders. After a 3rd occurrence, as reported to Officer Clark by any school staff member, of not wearing the lanyard during the school day, any additional occurrences will result in the student being referred to the office for a Type C behavior on the progressive discipline plan.
We know that the large majority of our students have been able to develop new habits and patterns to adapt to the lanyard/ID expectations, and we hope that, with a little intentionality, everyone will soon be settled into efficient normal routines. We look forward to having everyone back for the start of a fantastic spring semester. Happy New Year!